International News

IRC President Meeting Brescia


This year's President's Meeting took place in a very festive setting in Brescia, Italy. The reason was the 25th anniversary of the Richemont Club Italy and the election of the new IRC president for the next 4 terms. In a dignified setting, the previous IRC President Jorge Pastor was thanked and appreciated for his great commitment to the club and the topic of sourdough. Roberto Perotti, Italy, was elected as the new President and François Wolfisberg, Switzerland, as Vice President. In addition, the first results of the sourdough project "Helvetia" were presented.



Day 1 Main Topic "Helvetia Project"

  • Social Changes. Scientifical State of Art
  • Richemont Sourdough Summit 2019. Results
  • Definition and design of HELVETIA Project
  • Presentation of HELVETIA
    • Objective of the Project
    • Design of the Processes
    • Definition of the analytical measurements. Flour, Dough, Bread
    • Results. Relevance of the results.
    • Comments, conclusions, consequences of the results
    • Open Discussion
    • Next steps in Helvetia Project
    • How can we profit from the knowledge gain in HELVETIA Project?

Day 2 Main Topic "New IRC President"

  • Minutes of the Presidents' Meeting in Rimini 19January 2020
  • Year 2020-2021, report by the President of the IRC
  • Presentation of the new IRC President and Vice president
  • Finances
  • Memberships
  • HELVETIA R&D Richemont Project. Future perspectives
  • Update on the IRC Web situation
  • Dates
  • Statements and Questions


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Richemont Club International
c/o Richemont Centre of Excellence
Seeburgstrasse 51
CH-6006 Lucerne