International News

Why bread stopped having prominence and why it returns with force


Welcome to the Richemont Blog. This Blog was born with the purpose of clarifying elementary concepts about bakery and pastry, to transmit and disseminate knowledge based on studies conducted both at the Richemont Fachschule in Lucerne, and local data and knowledge provided by the different Richemont Clubs distributed throughout Europe and South Ame...

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  12483 Hits

The connection between intolerances and bread


1. Thank you very much for taking the time to share your knowledge with our readers Mr. Pastor. You have been President of the Richemont International Club for several years and before that you were President of the Richemont Spain Club for many years. How did the relationship with the Richemont School of Lucerne come about? I first heard about Ric...

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  24862 Hits

What do wine, beer and bread have in common?


Obviously, all three are foodstuff or drinks and part of any aperitif, lunch or dinner. But what else do they have in common? Have you ever heard of fermented foods? Yes, wine, beer and bread, like cheese or yogurt are fermented foods. In recent years other more exotic foods such as kefir, tempeh, sauerkraut, miso or kombucha tea have been added to...

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  8626 Hits

Our "second brain" controls our health - the importance of the microbiota


What is the intestinal microbiota? It is the population of 100 billion bacteria in our digestive system, a figure ten times higher than the number of cells in our body. Until now we knew it as the intestinal microflora. Serotonin, which is related to happiness and good humour, is mostly produced in our intestines. It has been shown that chemicals p...

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  7067 Hits

Healthy bread, professional training and the relevant European legislation


We have discussed healthy bread in previous posts on this blog. We talked about the importance of making bread with cultivated sourdough also previously in other posts. We even wanted to believe in the health benefits of fermented foods such as sourdough cultures. All this has brought us to the point of asking ourselves, what do the regulations say...

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  6977 Hits

How old bread baking techniques can reduce irritable bowel disease


The University of Hohenheim in Germany has issued a press release stating that there is still hope for patients with irritable bowel syndrome. What is irritable bowel syndrome and what are its symptoms? David Warmflash, M.D., a scientist from Portland, USA, describes this in his article published in ChemMatters:  «Irritable bowel syndrome is a...

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  7122 Hits

Is it feasible to sell bread online?


Charles Darwin already said "it is not the strongest species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one that best responds to change." The current situation opens a complicated scenario, especially for the self-employed and small companies. For many it also becomes an opportunity to reorient their business, thus adapting to the new realit...

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  8534 Hits

Interview with Reto Fries to the development of Richemont


Thank you, Mr. Fries, for taking the time to answer our questions during these difficult times and to tell us about the Richemont Expertise Centre. We are aware that the technical school was closed in the spring due to the Covid-19 and that it only reopened since June. Perhaps for this reason now is a good timing to talk about the technical college...

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  7939 Hits

Differences between wheat flour and spelt flour – a scientific study


We like to share with a summary of the scientific article "High resolution proteomics reveals differences in spelt and wheat flour proteome that represent targets for wheat sensitivity research" published by Muhammad Afzal, Jens Pfannstiel, Julia Zimmermann, Stephan C. Bischoff, Tobias Würschum, C. Friedrich H. Longin on the website

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  13631 Hits

Influence of wheat variety and dough preparation on FODMAP content in breads – a scientific study


In a previous blog article we have already explained the meaning of the acronym FODMAPs (Fermentable, Oligo, Di, Monosaccharides and Polyols), whose excessive consumption has relevant negative health effects, such as irritable bowel syndrome. If you have not read it, we will be happy to link to the page here. This month we return with more interest...

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  9947 Hits

Interview with the only sourdough librarian in the world


We want to end this year with a special post. After more than 12 publications where the elaboration of Healthy Bread with Sourdough has been defended, where different points of view have been shared, always with the support of scientific arguments and paraphrasing great and renowned scientists. Richemont defends and supports bread making with Sourd...

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  9451 Hits

Sourdough bread is nutritionally a necessary food for our organism – effects of several diets on the microbiota


 In previous articles we have discussed and explained the subject of the microbiota and its function in our organism. You can read more about it here. Today we want to go deeper into this topic with a summary of a new scientific publication that proves that cultured sourdough bread is a healthy, necessary and beneficial food for the body. We w...

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  7631 Hits
Richemont Club International
c/o Richemont Centre of Excellence
Seeburgstrasse 51
CH-6006 Lucerne